Who we are




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Meet the founder



• Co-owner & President: Asitech (since 2020)
• Partner, President & Production Director: Asitech (since 2020)
• Partner: Viametris (since 2015)

• Partner, Managing Director & Production: Asity (2003-2020)
• Innovation by Design & Technical Expert: CleanTech BA network (2017)
• Partner Managing Director: Davis Internet Group (2000-2003)
• Owner LODG (1993-2000)
• Partner Director: Capsule (1990-1992)


• General Designer, UX Designer, UI Designer
• Project structuring and management (Lean startup, Design Thinking, UX Design and Agile methods)
• Team training (User Centric, Empathy, Un-biasing, Surveying/Interviewing)
• UX Design, Full ergonomics approach (body, culture, mental, emotion/thought)
• Massive to Short Public Testing methods (non intrusive/biasing, open questions...)

• Strategy (4V management, 4P marketing)
• Product Design (hard and soft, concept, ergo, visual branding, development piloting)
• Graphic Design (product covering, packaging, visual identity, publishing)
• Digital Design & Development (app, web, backoffice)
• Promotional Design & Commercial approaches
• English & French

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The website is edited by ASITECH SAS, with a capital of 1 k€, located on 12 bis rue des Petits Ruisseaux - ZA les godets - (91370) Verrières le Buisson (France) - SIRET : 838 662 005 00027 - Ape : 7410Z - email : contact <a> asitech.fr - tel : +33 5 57 59 12 32
‬Publication Director: Luc-Olivier Lafeuille, President
Technical Host: Webflow.com

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Update: 01/2018